H&M are on a mission to create "sustainable fashion", by asking you to recycle your clothes at H&M. This is not a bad idea at all, and I've been participating in a test market by bringing old unloved items to my local H&M every time I buy something new. The ad that launched this idea to the world breaks every fashion rule in existence, flawlessly. Wear red as a redhead (done that! Check!), mix patterns! Wear brown shoes after six. Wear a hat indoors - hang on H&M, ladies have always been allowed to wear hats indoors, don't give those dudes in baseball caps reason to be rude.
And for each fashion rule there's a fashionably stand out individual showing their style, a group of Sikh men, a hijab wearing muslim woman, a cross dresser, a skateboarder, a salaryman, a club kid, a little kid, a plus sized model, an amputee model, Iggy Pop. Of course all of that is old hat by now, except for what Fusion claims is the first hijab-wearing model in an H&M ad, Mariah Idrissi the always fab instagram fashion influencer. The ad is taking the UK media by storm thanks to Mariah, now the question is, will people actually recycle their clothes?
Client: H&M
I should have mentioned that it sounds like they ran Baz Luhrmann (Everybody's Free To Wear Sunscreen) through the Adland Manifesto Generator.
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