Herringbone - Little Hands - (2007) 3:00 (Australia)

"Here I'm not seen as a freak" - Herringbone pays attention to details. Even the tiny ones.

This three minute ad borrows story telling style from the likes of "My Left Foot". As it turns out the wee hands on this man is not a curse, but a blessing.

Client: Herringbone
Title: Hands
Agency: M&C Saatchi, Sydney
Creative Directors: Oliver Devaris & Graham Johnson
Copywriter: Oliver Devaris
Art Director: Graham Johnson
Agency Producer: Rod James
Production Company: Exit Films, Melbourne
Director: Garth Davis
Producer: Karen Sproul
Cinematographer: Greig Fraser
Production Designer: Elizabeth Moore
Costume Designer: Jodie Fried
Editor: Jack Hutchings
VFX Post Production: Fin Design & Effects
Senior Flame Compositor: Richard Lambert
VFX Producer: Emma Daines

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