HEINZ Ketchup  - It has to be Heinz / Ketchup fork - print Israel

A fork made out of ketchup. I get it, and I kind of don't as well. 

Advertising Agency: Bruckner Yaar Levi, Tel-Aviv, Israel

Advertised brand: HEINZ Ketchup                                                                    

Advert title: Fork

Headline and copy text: IT HAS TO BE HEINZ



Art Director: Udi Ovadia

Copywriter: Dror Lavi

Executive creative director: Yoram Levi

Photography: Yoram  Aschheim

Studio Management: Avi Avidan

Account Supervisor: Yarden Enosh

Account Executive: Ortal Azarzar

Head of Strategic Planning: Asaf sides 

Media Director: Carmit Dori, Linda Yachbas

Office Producer: Sivan Leshed, Tali Sasson

Traffic: Anna Napadow

Published: December 2014

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