Hästens new ad campaign too sexy for Swedes

Thank goodness we don't use paypal anymore, as they'd likely freak over this new Hästens ad, which looks a lot like the nude Sophie Dahl ad for Opium that got us banned from Paypal many moons ago. Pale nude red headed beauties with hands on their tits seem to freak out a lot of people as Resumé reports that the campaign, which is the most expensive one for Hästens to date, is receiving harsh reviews from the Swedish ad community as it objectifies women. Yes, we are total prudes in the land of nude beaches and free sex. Might be a bit of culture clash going on, as Hästens is a loved Swedish brand, and Barker/DZP is giving our handmade all-natural classic furniture with a 25-year warranty the sexy treatment as if the product had no history or decent selling propositions.

The campaign was shot by Simon Procter, and Emma Sandsjö spokesperson for Hästens in Sweden calms us all down by saying that he's shot the woman wearing a nightie too, and that if there are strong reactions against the nude version they'll run the dressed one in Sweden. Since the nude one would in all likelihood be reported immediately to the Swedish 'ad police' ERK, that seems to be a safe move.

As a pale redhead who sleeps in the nude, I would like to announce it does not look like this when I sleep. I don't levitate as far as I know.

You can watch the making of the ad campaign on Hästens website.

Photographer: Simon Procter
Client: Hästens

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Allan1's picture

I would imagine that your proportions are somewhat different than the model shown - i.e. shorter, with larger boobs. This would make it difficult for you to levitate as shown. (Different center of gravity).

You might levitate in some circumstances, but you'd really need a camera to be sure!
