Happy™ - Robert Downey Jr - #happymonday (2024) :45 (USA)

Are you wishing for the day after the Super Bowl to be a holiday? Well, look no further! Robert Downey Jr. is currently promoting a new coffee brand called Happy Products. Who needs a superhero when you have Robert Downey Jr. fighting for your right to a day off?

Happy is co-founded by Craig Dubitsky, the entrepreneur behind popular personal care and home cleaning brands like EOS and Method, Happy Products is set to revolutionize the coffee industry via "blanding" branding. Sleek white packaging and various coffee varieties, including ground, whole bean, pod, and instant is on offer.

Client: Happy
Principal talent: Robert Downey Jr.
Ad agencies: Superconductor and Magnetic Field

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Delivery a bit weak. But at least there’s a concept