Guinness - Surfers - (1999) :60 (UK)

A group of surfers conquers the waves. They wait that's what he does. Tik follow tok follow tik follow tok. Ahab says, 'I don't care who you are, here's to your dream.' Inspired by Walter Crane's 1893 painting "Neptune's Horses" the waves turn into white horses. One by one, each surfer crashes out, but one who rides the wave to shore. Everyone celebrates.

Client: Diageo 

Ad agency: Abbott Mead Vickers BBDO, London

Account Executive: Gavin Thompson

Creative Director: David Abbott Copywriter: Tom Carty

Art Director: Walter Campbell Directors of Photography: Ivan Bird, Don King (water), Lee Allison (aerial)

Director: Jonathan Glazer Music: "Phat Planet" by Leftfield Production Designer: Ben Myhill

Editor: Sam Sneade, Sam Sneade Editing, London

Sound Design Wave Studios, London

Sound Designer: Johnnie Burn

Music Production Company: Soundtree Music Limited 

Music Supervisor: Peter Raeburn
VFX: The Computer Film Company, London
VFX Designers: Dan Glass / Adrian de Wet / Paddy Eason / Tom Debenham
VFX Artists: Gavin Toomey / Alex Payman / Joe Pavlo
VFX 3D Supervisor: Dominic Parker

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