Guinness - Cloud / Made of More - (2012)

Made of more. This is the new tagline for our black and white friend. The one we wait for. The one we race for. The one we dream of. The one we surf on. It is made of more. Indeed, it is. I'm not sure this campaign idea is, though.

Creative Agency: AMV BBDO, UK
Copywriters: Alex Grieve Posters: Mike Sutherland
Art Directors: Adrian Rossi Posters: Ant Nelson, Kate Edwards, Amber Glenister
Senior planner: Tom White
Planner: Pete Zezulka
Account: Crispin Butler
AM: Paddy Heaney
TV Producer: Olly Chapman
Assistant: Holly Pienaar
Media Agency: Carat
Media Planner: Stuart Aplin
Production Company: Gorgeous Director: Peter Thwaites
Post-production Company: The Mill
Agent: We Folk
Retouching: Digital Light
Model Making: Swell New York
CGI: The Mill

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