Groupama - Glider - (2008) :30 (Hungary)

Groupama Insurance via Grey Budapest show handheld shot near misses - these ads were initially web only but then proved so popular that airtime was bought on national TV.

Ad agency: Grey Budapest
Milos Gazdic, Attila Nyeki : Executive Creative Director
Laszlo Sefel : Agency Producer
Director : Mark Kostyal
Production Company : Popfilm

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Neo's picture

Anyone else getting really bored with the hand held camera shaky "viral" aesthetic?

Allan1's picture

I have to agree with the handheld shots becoming tiresome. They still can work, depending.... But not here.

However, I do like the idea of this ad. (I know of an instance where a hearing-impared girl [around 25 yo] was busy texting on her phone while walking on railroad tracks [Apparently, she was upset with someone, based on the messages]. She couldn't hear the train, and had her back turned to it. You can fill in the rest. {Hint: It wasn't a near-miss.}).

The look on the girl's face here is great, like "WTF just happened?!?!?" :-)

Neo's picture

Oh god yeah, she is better than the javelin-joke - and that handheld stuff is ugly as sin made worse in this example than any other I have seen.