Dad stops his teenage daughter as she's about to head out with her boyfriend. "Elise, I was going through the garbage can in your room. What is THIS?" he says, holding up a used condom.
"Fine. We have sex." she replies, clearly horrified by dad's discovery.
"It's not about having or not having!" he replies "you take a condom like this, roll it into paper and stick it inside a paper package. This is supposed to go to the recycling, right? Sorted as PAPER."
Dad says she can leave, and he'll have a few words with her boyfriend. He ends his berating of the boyfriend with: "It does not help to use use a condom, if you do not recycle cardboard" - which rhymes very nicely in Norwegian: "Det hjelper ikke å bruke dong hvis du ikke resirkulerer kartong"
Client: Grønt Punkt Norge