Greenpeace: Friday 13th

Friday the 13th sees Greenpeace's release of a hard hitting film bringing attention to the catastrophic consequences of building new nuclear power stations.

Directed by Andy Morahan, the viral can be seen here.

Sarah North, Head of Greenpeace's nuclear campaign, said: "Millions of people could die as a result of a terrorist attack on a nuclear plant. This is a totally unacceptable risk. This film shows that building new nuclear power stations is a catastrophic gift to terrorists."

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Plywood's picture

Ohhhh man, is that is one fuckin' ridiculously moronic spot.

beadprincessk's picture

my thoughts exactly.

Neo's picture

Directed by Andy Moron? ;)

Dabitch's picture

...Sorry to pile-on here but it's not even particularly well done. If you want to do a home-video suddenly "real" disaster strikes thing you have to have better actors and shoot better than that. Didn't feel spontaneous in the least.