Greenpeace "The Arctic 30 Story Isn't Over" (2014) 4:00 (USA)

Presenting a comedy about what you need to do to save the Arctic. It's supposed to explain to you at the end of the spot that everything the hapless business owner says was something that the Arctic 30 actually went through to try and save the Arctic, by...putting a banner on an oil rig.

Arctic 30. How is it that activists, hacktivists and and eco-terrorists, always have a branded name? Is there some agency helping with this?

Anyway, they Greenpeace eco-activists got their boat in the way of another boat where they were blasted by water cannons, shot at, and eventually arrested and detained in a Russian prison for two months. Really? In Russia?! I don't believe it.

My problem with this spot isn't the content or the message. My problem it that it just really isn't funny at all. Also it is 3:30 minutes too long.

Spots aside, if anyone is wondering, all of the Arctic 30, were released, due to international pressure. What's more, they're even getting their boat back, too. No doubt I'm sure they've learned a lesson and will devise different methods of creating awareness instead of PR-generating stunts.

Oh, who am I kidding.

Client: Greenpeace
Director: Olivier Agostini
Writer: Olivier Agostini
Production Agency / Concept: Future Camp
Production Company: Future Camp in association with Greenpoint Pictures
Creative Director: James Turner
Art Director: Iris Andrews
“Gary”: Dennis Delsing
“Dina”: Barbara Conway
“Tony”: Myles Cranford
VO: James Turner
Producer: Rebekah Sindoris
Production Coordinator: Karen Henry
Assistant Production Coordinator: Roman Guisset
1st AD: Stephanie Cluff
DOP: Chris Saul
1st AC: Kyle Wright
D.I.T.: Earl Fulcher
Gaffer: Team Bashet
BB Electric: Zak Hindle
Key Grip: Matthew Brown
Swing/Grip/Elec: Matthew Siriouthay
Art Director: Jessica Manke
Set Dresser: Noam Karl
Set Dresser: Heather Drouillard
Set Dresser: Brad Salo
Art PA: Carli Barajas
Stylist: Erika Melody Frank
Wardrobe PA: Cherish Lee Crum
Sound Mixer: Josh Chavez
SFX: Joel Gerlach
Editor: Olivier Agostini & Aron Rosenthal
Post: C03
Color Correction: C03

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