Greed: Flynordics new film

Johan Renck aka Stakka Bo, the director who did those Nike 'choose your ending' ads and a bunch of music videos including Madonna's "nothing really matters" has just directed a film for Flynordic - the low budget airline.

The film, which looks a lot like a music video since it's rather long, asks "what are you really paying for?" and if we are supposed to deduce the answer from this film I guess we are paying for expensive ego directors , some editors coke habit and a lot of stock footage. Click image below to get to flynordics website, where you can click "filmen/låten" to bring up the commercial in the flash interface.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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marcusengstrand's picture

My word don't that look a lot like a bad copy of

Dabitch's picture

That was great!

shmulikber's picture

this ad really reminds me of the mr plow episode on the 4th season of the simpsons...
bad ad buyers get jipped by celeb directors and the end result is understood by no one.
can anyone tell me why i should choose flynordic on the basis of this pretentious rant of an ad?
johan renck has done some great work prior, but this is surely an idea which should have been locked away...

AnonymousCoward's picture

I am not sure about marketing side of the video but i like the visuals and different approach. Since "young adults" are the main target of the cheap airfares, that style is not bad idea at all.