Google vs. Sonox: wa the hell?....

I found this at a blog called "great ads" (so I can't exactly vouch for its provenance) but it seems to be a German viral/guerilla ad for Google Video.

Google Video Street Buzz

But I couldn't help but be reminded of some ambient work done for Amsterdam record store Sonox, as featured on this very site, and created by Dabitch's agency wa, Amsterdam.

previous sonox postings: riddles amsterdam and badlanded as some local papers sports pages also framed stuff - lets not forget the Amnesty International ads that show whats happening in the frame...

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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James Trickery's picture

"wa the hell" - you just couldn't resist that pun, could you?

Dabitch's picture

Aw man, thanks for Badlanding me again. ;)

alex's picture

De nada. I'm really not picking on you! It's just that the Sonox was so memorable! *shuffle, cough*

Dabitch's picture

Gee, thanks though. When we started 'wa' it was precisly to go all ambient ad crazy like that (though IDEA comes before MEDIA) but the world wasn't ready, I guess. ;P

Ich Liebe's picture

The German ads music is TERRIBLE. And it does look they got the idea straight from Wa, had anyone else done large street billboards framing the world behind it before?

Dabitch's picture

A really really belated reply: I don't know to be honest. I had never seen anything "framed" in real life like that when we pitched the idea to Sonox. One could argue that National Geographic campaigns over the years "framed" things in a similar fashion, but this was in print. And it didn't have the added element of a rebus that could only be read if you stood at the right spot in front of the frame to see what was being framed. But having paired up badlanders for years, I also know that one should never say never.