Google redesigns their logo - to reflect the many Google products & the future

Designweek weighs in on Googles new logo, looking at how it was created. They have talked to the design team, and they describe their process as removing all the parts until they got to the essence and then building it back up.
The team says: “We started by distilling the essence of our brand down to its core — four colours on a clean white background—and built it back up.” There's a thought behind the new sand serif font as well, and it's not just that we're all getting tired of certain serifs. “The Google logo has always had a simple, friendly, and approachable style. We wanted to retain these qualities by combining the mathematical purity of geometric forms with the childlike simplicity of schoolbook letter printing.”

Also, a new “Google Dots in Motion” animation graphic has been created, which is flying all over twitter as we speak. The design team at Google explains:
“The Google dots are a dynamic and perpetually moving state of the logo. They represent Google’s intelligence at work and indicate when Google is working for you.
We consider these unique, magic moments. A full range of expressions were developed including listening, thinking, replying, incomprehension, and confirmation.”

Googles official blog, says that the design change came about at this time because our way of googling has changed. It's no longer a static homepage visited from a desktop, it's Google Play syncing your devices, Gmail & Photos & Drive becoming our diaries for our children, Googles links to all the world's knowledge becoming our salvation when we equipped with a smart phone alone show off to our pals. Google is now speedy Chrome, with clever extensions, and entire operating systems on laptops and devices. Some things never change though, the rotated ‘e’ is still there as the unconventional smiling flirt with the future.

Google announced their new look on the homepage itself, with this nifty little animation. Cute.

This isn’t the first time we’ve changed our look and it probably won’t be the last, but we think today’s update is a great reflection of all the ways Google works for you across Search, Maps, Gmail, Chrome and many others. We think we’ve taken the best of Google (simple, uncluttered, colorful, friendly), and recast it not just for the Google of today, but for the Google of the future.
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kidsleepy's picture

I haven't really cared for any iteration of their logo since they started. But I'm trying to figure out why this is news at all. I guess it's a slow day. Or, iI know, because google owns most of the communication channels. This is the crap we deserve.

Dabitch's picture

I like the animation. The colours have always given them a little bit of a Fischer Price feel, IMHO, but I am glad they finally got rid of the serif. It's an improvement because where it started was atrocious.

The best part is the animated dots, listening, working, searching etc.