Goodby's Reefer Madness

Judging from their consistently outstanding work, the grass seems to be greener at award winning SF shop Goodby Silverstein and Partners.

But recently, their smokin' creative got to be a bit much for Jeff Goodby himself.

To get wind of what got him out of joint, read this blunt memo leaked to Fuckedcompany

---- Original Message ----

Subject: Wanted Dead or Alive, Part II

Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2001 17:25:07 -0800

From: Jeff Goodby

Organization: Goodby, Silverstein & Partners

To: All Agency

Around 10:00 AM this morning, someone lit up a joint on the third floor, north side, strongly suggesting that it was someone from, say, the creative department.

Why is this a problem?

Well, for one, we had two clients and an important new business prospect in the building (something for which a number of people had worked well into the night). All the visitors were of an age that suggested they would easily identify marijuana, if encountered.

In short, this could have resulted in some serious financial setbacks, threatening people's jobs and well-being.

Beyond that, however, I am concerned for the person or people who feel it necessary to light up at such an hour. This is not good for you -- in either a personal or a professional sense.

Please note that we emphatically pay you for what you do STRAIGHT here -- no matter what you may deliriously believe. We expect you to act accordingly, keep up your end of the deal, and will ask you to leave if you don't.

It's that simple.

The price of freedom, lack of censorship, and a championing of strange behavior is a little bit of fucking judgment.

Please pay that price for me. For us all. Thank you.

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