A newborn baby's only communication during their first year of life is through touch. Academic research from Harvard shows that skin-to-skin communication releases "Love Hormones" right after birth and helps a baby build trust in its environment as well as built trust.with its parents. This print ad for Gillette in Israel targets milleninials who are bout to become first-time fathers. Dubbed "the dad test," this print ad doesn't demonstrate a product so much as the way your beard feels against a soft newborn's skin, with different roughness levels used. They even bought the adjacent page to make a spread so that you could see real scratch marks on it. Smart idea.
Advertiser: P&G
Advertised brand: Gillette
Advert title: #BabyFace
Media: Print
Advertising Agency: ACW Grey Tel-Aviv / Mediacom Connections
Chief Creative Officer: Tal Riven
Creative Director: Moti Rubinstein
Copywriter: Shay Chikotay
Art Director: Etai Haivri
SVP Account Director: Shai Almagor
Account Manager: Gal Vash
Mediacom Client director: Shimi Hamias
Activation planner: Dana Wolfsfeld
Photographer: Ariel Van Straten
Head of production: Gal Yaakov
Producer: Israel Revach