Giant chalkboard billboard in NYC has mystery equation begging to be solved... can you do it?

"Every significant event in the course of human history can be tied to a number…. ".. 'cuz we use this thing called dates, see, but that's neither here nor there and probably not the point Dow wants to make with their little poetical math-mystery.

The tumblr-site Giantchalkboard shows the progress of the equation which is being unveiled bit by bit on the corner of Broome and Crosby in SoHo. Here's a closeup of the start of the equation. People are invited to guess through twitter - @giantchalkboard - and the website about where this long equation is going.

"On the 5th day the answer will be revealed. This mathematical poem is the teaser to a new campaign from Dow."

via Draftfcb Chicago.

@ADoholick just reminded me about the Google ads of yesteryear, which I badlanded in Two hard nuts to crack, or three as there were so many "puzzle campaigns" back then speaking directly to geeks that Texturl wrote a post asking is it time to pwn l33t ads?

If Dow's Giant Chalk billboard is done to attract skilled thinkers for a job at Dow remains to be seen. If it is, it will have a one-way ticket to Badland.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Kenny G Villacorta's picture

I thought it would be some type of Google hiring scheme. They have done this in the past.

Alec Long's picture

Where the hell is Matt Damon when you need him? He's wicked smaaht.

Dabitch's picture

Points for the written accent.