Gevalia - The Golfers / Golfbanan (1971) (Sweden)

Rolf Bengtsson and Jarl Borssén are playing golf. Or at least trying to, but the chattier of the two keeps rambling on about Gevalia coffee. "Did you know that it's almost as difficult for a coffee bean to get into a packet of Gevalia, as is is for you to get a little ball in that hole? They get 86000 samples of coffee every year, and they throw away 5000 immediately" Annoyed the golfer asks "Are you done yet?" before trying his putt again. But as the chatterbox interrupts again he misses his putt. "Well there you go, you should be like Gevalia, more focused."

Principal talent: Rolf Bengtsson, Jarl Borssén
Production company: Europa film

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