GEICO Dough Boy Commercial - Happier than the Pillsbury Doughboy on His Way to a Baking Convention - (2013)

The Pillsbury doughboy sneaks a deadly baking pin through security and a TSA agent tries to frisk him without tickling him. Suddenly the cobranded tag is useful again, because Geico has done this sort of thing before. Isn't hilarious that advertising mascots are celebrities too? The Pillsbury Doughboy is in his own league, he starred in a Milk ad already back in 2004. That was epic.

Agency: The Martin Agency
CCO: Joe Alexander
Client: Geico
Group Creative Director: Steve Bassett
Creative Director: Wade Alger
Art Director: Sean Riley
Senior Copywriter: Ken Marcus
Executive Broadcast Producer: Molly Souter
Agency Producer: Samantha Tucker
Agency Junior Producer: Emily Taylor
Prod. Co.: Hungry Man
Director: Wayne McClammy
DOP: Tim Ives
Exec. Producer: Kevin Byrne
Producer: Nate Young
Production Supervisor: Steve Ruggieri
Editorial: Makenzie Cutler
VFX: The Mill
Audio Post: Rainmaker Studios
VP Marketing: Ted Ward
Manager Broadcast Production/Agency Relations: Amy Hooks

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AnonymousGirl12345's picture

funny and cute!

Helaina's picture

I think this is one of the cutest commercials ever! I love it i laugh everytime.

jaygo's picture

Soooooooooo cute, it makes having my 4th amendment violated really easy to go down. Or up as the case may be. Thzzzzzzzzt.