One of our favorite hobbies in the ad-business is the rename old phenomena with new buzzworthy lingo, then hold seminars write books and sing ka-ching all the way to the bank with it. I always felt that WOM was a bit like tupperware parties 2.0, and The Denver Egotist found this example of old school ambient from 1955. We may think we're breaking new grounds, but what we're actually doing is using the same tried and true working methods in new grounds. This doesn't mean the old methods applied to new spaces are bad, they're just not as groundbreaking as you might think at first sight and there are lessons to be learned in its previous incarnations.
Glad I'm not alone in thinking this, as @Samosaone a.k.a Raj Samuel the Digital strategist / Innovations Director at AMV/BBDO has written a post called "Gamification: a new name for an old trick" where he concludes:
So Gamification is probably here to stay, despite the sketchy name and popularity as a new concept. But is it a new concept? Probably not. Just a steroid induced version of loyalty as a result of the socially & technologically enhanced world we’re living in now. It can definitely be useful for brands. And it may even change the world.