Galleria Shopping Mall - Tweet a gift cloud case study - (2012) :90 (Brazil)

It's clever for an open air mall, I'll give them that. But when this case study tells me they "created a completed new choice - a product that only an open air mall could offer..." they're half-fibbing with the "created". They rented a machine/bought a service. Remember Stuart Semple the artists who covered London in "Happy Clouds", remember the flogo cloud machine? Yes, that's what they used. Oh, and they had a facebook tool linked with twitter aiming for that elusive social-media-trifecta. If they instantly instagrammed all the clouds they could've won. Or does that not count now that Facebook owns instagram?

Ad Agency: NBS, São Paulo, Brazil Creative Directors: Pedro Feyer, André Lima, Cassio Faraco, Miguel Genovese Art Directors: Guilherme Almeida, Giuliano Cesar, Jonas Kühner Copywriters: Cassio Faraco, Miguel Genovese, Fernando Calvache, Sidney Freitas

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Not sure how the end line relates to the concept.

But, you know, it's a good way to engage people I suppose.