Fundacion Ilusiones - Music Therapy (2007) Print (Spain)

Fundación Ilusiones is a organization that makes the dreams of unhealthy children come true. On of the many projects, that Fundación Ilusiones has recently carried through, is to bring music to the children's hospital in Spain. A therapy that helps through music children to overcome terrible illness. A very positive graphic even though approaches a real drama.

The following ads were created by Deny Zatariano and Emma Piquer at Contrapunto BBDO Barcelona.

Music also cures. Music therapy sections at the Sant Joan de Déu Hospital. Program sponsored by Fundación Ilusiones.

Agency: Contrapunto BBDO Barcelona
Client: Fundación Ilusiones
Art Director: Deny Zatariano
Copywriter: Emma Piquer
Creative Directors: Tomás Oliva / Manuel Padilla

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