Freedom For All "Wall Street Auction" (2014) 3:15 (USA)

27 million people are trafficked into slavery every day. And you can do something about it.

Unlike this stunt, however, salves aren't auctioned off in broad daylight by white businessmen in front of Wall Street. The reality is, it happens all over the world, and there's a good chance a slave lives in your neighborhood. No joke.

While the edit works in this context, three minutes is way too long to tell the story. The only reason I stuck around for the message part is because it's my job.

On one level I can appreciate this idea, but on another it feels like it was made strictly for shock value. Ironically, with some of the real cases of slavery being told in the news, this execution feels too far removed from reality to be effective. The reality of slavery is much darker and I suspect would have made for a more visceral campaign.

Client: Freedom For All Foundation
CEO Katie Ford
Kim Dempster
Steve Zourntos, Creative Director
Kathrin Lausch, Executive Producer
Kara Holmstrom, Head of Production
Beth Melsky
Greg Ramsey
Dave Carol
Michelle McCabe
Jimi Jones
Kevin Tadge
Jake Magher
Anthony Hechanova
Martin Romero-Clark
Stills Photographer
Wendy Nadler
Tim Hawkings
Production Assistants
Carly Robinson
Rachel Goldman

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