Found Cannes Lion - Someone dug up Farfar's lost lion!

Remember when a couple of nutty creatives from Farfar got drunk and buried their Cannes Lions award in the sand promptly losing it? Well, that was a hoax, and Caff called it by saying the guy was "full of the excrement of el toro." It was simply fun viral, perhaps even serving as a recruitment campaign for Farfar now. Nobody has responded to it as far as we know.... Until now (dum dum DUM).

An Israeli creative team, Jossi and Roy, have They hope to have a shot in one of the best online agencies in the world. Props for the opening line "We were sober and it was worth it. "

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P.S. It's not a prank either. Of course it's a clever guerilla campaign.
This is just us, trying to get a job @ the best online agency in the world. F1 us.

Why did they put this in the end of the text???