Folkpartiet - School - valfilm 2010

Folkpartiet (The liberal party) show a classroom of today, and as we pan out the noise and bustle from rowdy students gets worse as we get the further away from the teacher. One girl, clearly frustrated by not being able to hear what the teacher is saying, drop her pencil and sighs.

The promise: "Peace/calm so you can concentrate in school."

Better education has long been the main promise of Folkpartiet.


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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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omerosen's picture

As an ex-Israeli I am offended by the copyrights infrigments shown here with the use Israel's map. Not to mention the borders are drawn incorrecctly.

Neo's picture

You're joking, aren't you?

Dabitch's picture

Yes, yes he is.

omerosen's picture

Ya, I was. My commenteries are the consequences of when I am on a bad mode.