FNB Bridge - Tom / Guinea pig - (2012) :45 (South Africa)

Tom went to the shops for some butter and somehow returned with a giant hamster. You know, as you would.

These cute quirky films lead to FNB, which reaffirms the special harmony of idiosyncrasies that make up people the world over - and regardless of where you fit in, FNB bank always caters to the individual.

Albert the bus driver's birthday, gadget man Tim and his cappuccino maker, and the determined young lady Sarah and her home entertainment system.

Agency & City: Metropolitan Republic JHB
Executive Creative Director: Paul Warner
Creative Director: George Low
Agency Producer: Linda Hauser
Agency Art Director: Moira-Gene Sephton
Copywriter: Candice Hellens

Production Company & City: Velocity Cape Town
Director: Adrian De Sa Garces
Producer: Karen Kloppers
Director of Photography: Paul Gilpin
Production Art Director: Julie Bonnet

Editor & Company:
Ricky Boyd - Deliverance Post
Visual Effects Company and person:

Music Company/Composer/Sound: Frequency Audio Militia - "Sarah"
Post Production Online
Bladeworks JHB
Post Production Offline
Deliverance Post CT

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