Florida Consumers Demand FTC look into Splenda's deceptive advertising.

Many people are being mislead by the deceptive advertising campaign conducted by Johnson & Johnson's McNeil Nutritionals, which makes the artificial sweetener Splenda (see rjberens previous post What's the truth about Splenda?).
By using the word "sugar" and the phrase "made from sugar" continuously in its advertisements, McNeil is attempting to confuse consumers into believing that Splenda is in some way natural. The Florida Consumer Action Network won't take it anymore and have demanded that the U.S. Federal Trade Commission examine the deceptive advertising campaign for Splenda.
"Splenda is produced through a chemical process that involves chlorination and phosgene gas, a major industrial chemical used to make plastics and pesticides," said Bill Newton, executive director of FCAN. "That's not a process anyone would think of when they think 'natural.'"
Adding to consumers' confusion, some high-profile public figures have been deceived by Splenda's marketing campaign. For example, Florida's own Dr.Arthur Agatston, author of The South Beach Diet, commented during an online forum that "Splenda is natural."
"If J&J's misleading advertising campaign has hoodwinked a highly-educated cardiologist like Dr. Agatston into believing that Splenda is natural, then how can consumers be reasonably expected to figure out the truth?" Newton asked. "J&J shouldn't be allowed to fool the experts or consumers with misleading claims," Newton said.

Super adgrunts can have a closer look at Splenda's advertising in the archives.

Splenda - Cupid (2004) 0:30 (USA)

Splenda - Smiles (2004) 0:30 (USA)

Splenda - Little Girls (2003) - 0:30 (USA)

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