First Bank "Puppy Sale" (2015) :30 (USA)

Running strictly in Colorado, and during pre-game in Arizona this local Super Bowl spot for first bank exploits our love of puppies to create an ad with a serious let down that guilt shames fathers everywhere into not having a person to person transfer app. Hey, First Bank-- hadn't you heard it's the year of Dadvertising? Apparently anticipating the collective groan, they also came up with a uh... happier and "funnier" ending, for what will surely be the outraged citizens of these two cities. Good luck with that.

 TDA_Boulder, Boulder, Colo
Haley Garyet

 CD/CW: Jeremy Seibold

ECDs: Jonathan Schoenberg, Thomas Dooley

Account Dir.: Danielle Borden
Account Sup.: Charlie Wright
Agency Producer: Susan Fisher
Production: Furlined, Santa Monica, Calif.
Directors: Speck and Gordon

D.P.: Jo Willems

President: Diane McArter
Executive Producer: David Thorne
Line Producer: Aris McGarry
Actor: Charlie Greenleaf, age 9
Editorial/Post: Stitch, Santa Monica
 Andy McGraw
Asst. Editor: Eileen Miraglia
Prod.: Rebecca Baker
Telecine: The Mill, Los ANgeles
Colorist: Adam Scott
Mix: Lime Stuiods
Engineer: Dave Wagg
Animation: Bernard Tan, New York
Music: JSM Music, New York

CD Producer: Joel Simon

Exec producer: Ross Hopman

Composers: Doug Katsaros, Nathan Kil, Joel Simon
Business Manager: Tricia Krasneski

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We all groaned and my wife stated it was a horrible commercial. I asked her what the product was and she had no idea but she knew it was firstbank