First Bank "Charlie is an Actor" (2015) :30 (USA)

Oh, so you didn't like the local Super Bowl spot for First Bank in which the little cherub boy is all bummed he couldn't get a puppy because his dad is out of cash? No worries-- here's the snarkier alt ending in which the boy breaks the fourth wall to tell you to lighten up, that he's just a paid actor and so is the dad. Not only that but he doesn't like dogs, he's more of a cat person. Later he will tell you that there is no Santa Claus, that life is a big pile of crap, and you're all pathetic for having hope for the future. He will also lecture you on the sorry state of the economy and make you feel bad for eating nachos when so many people are starving in the rest of the world. Yes, the alternate ending to the original spot features a nine year old asshole.
Question: When did we feel the need to start putting training wheels on spots? How stupid does First Bank think we are to assume we don't know a commercial with actors when we see one? Way to talk down to your audience.

 TDA_Boulder, Boulder, Colo
Haley Garyet

 CD/CW: Jeremy Seibold

ECDs: Jonathan Schoenberg, Thomas Dooley

Account Dir.: Danielle Borden
Account Sup.: Charlie Wright
Agency Producer: Susan Fisher
Production: Furlined, Santa Monica, Calif.
Directors: Speck and Gordon

D.P.: Jo Willems

President: Diane McArter
Executive Producer: David Thorne
Line Producer: Aris McGarry
Actor: Charlie Greenleaf, age 9
Editorial/Post: Stitch, Santa Monica
 Andy McGraw
Asst. Editor: Eileen Miraglia
Prod.: Rebecca Baker
Telecine: The Mill, Los ANgeles
Colorist: Adam Scott
Mix: Lime Stuiods
Engineer: Dave Wagg
Animation: Bernard Tan, New York
Music: JSM Music, New York

CD Producer: Joel Simon

Exec producer: Ross Hopman

Composers: Doug Katsaros, Nathan Kil, Joel Simon
Business Manager: Tricia Krasneski

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