Family Supercooks “Talking Food” Idents - Emotional Pizza - (2009) 2 x 10s (UK)

The brief in a line was to create a series of engaging sponsorship bumpers to promote the FSA’s association with new show “Family Supercooks” - this the talking food was born. There's the wigged out sausage who can't get his head around another talking sausage, the ever depressed and the super positive potato, the egg and salted peanuts. Some of the quirky characters the food has turned into are are loosely based on people at RKCR/Y&R.... Only four actors were used for the 17 characters, with post-production trickery used to create the illusion of completely different faces. The complex business of turning these performances into realistic food characters was in the hands of the geniuses at MPC, who have spent hours carefully crafting perfectly realised examples of actual talking food to great effect.

Client(& job title): Kate Frankum (Head of Marketing, FSA) James Brandon (Acting Head of Communications, FSA)
Advertising Agency: rkcr/y&r
Creative Director: Damon Collins
Copywriter: Mike Boles
Art Director: Jerry Hollens
Planner: Emily James
Business Director Tony Harris
Account Director: Sally Nielson
Account Manager: Jamal Cassim
Agency Producer: Jen Fewster
Production Company: Coy!
Director: Mark Denton
Editor: Billy at Ten Three
Producer: Sarah Cummins (Coy!)
Post-production: MPC
Audio post-production Sam at Factory

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