Fake ads from the 50s : "Facebook - Striking miraculous social team-up"

Christian just posted this over at Betapond, and explains that they are ads for and ad event called Maximidia held in São Paulo. Fake ads for Facebook and the likes in classic 50s style. In the fifties, they could never have dreamed that we would spend our days interconnected on a world wide web, chatting with far away family and friends at the touch of a button, and tending to our virtual farms, virtual pets or learning a new language from robots that look like maggot-men. They had better dreams! They dreamt about jetpacks and hospitals with sliding baby drawers. OK, fine, so our future is better. But just barely.

ad agency: Moma
Advertising Agency: Moma, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Creative Director: Rodolfo Sampaio
Art Director: Marco Martins
Copywriter: Adriano Matos
Illustrator: 6B Studio
Published: July 2010

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malkie66's picture

Great graphics. Terrible English. Love it though.