Facebook aims for the kids, expands market instantly.

What do you do when you own the largest market share and still need to grow? Expand market. Facebook are currently working on tech that would allow kids under age 14 to use the network under parental supervision, reports the Wall Street journal. Lets face it, when Facebook has an account for everyone above the age of 13, but some adults are still staying away with a "won't somebody please think of the children" holler, making kids accounts may actually force some parents to sign up just to keep tabs on what their kids are doing online. How clever. Kidzui probably hates this.

Mechanisms being tested include connecting children's accounts to their parents' and controls that would allow parents to decide whom their kids can "friend" and what applications they can use, people who have spoken with Facebook executives about the technology said. The under-13 features could enable Facebook and its partners to charge parents for games and other entertainment accessed by their children, the people said.

There are parents out there who would welcome this with a sigh of relief, kids are already on facebook and hard to keep tabs on, 40 of 1000 kids are age 6 or younger. With parental spy-controls and ability to limit use of games and apps that cost money and/or time a lot of parents would welcome this tech.

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