Skin cancer is a horrible thing that could be prevented or treated early enough if people would only check their skin. And yet because people don't, someone dies every 54 minutes from skin cancer. Operating off the insight that you are I don't know, a million times more likely to check Facebook instead, BBDO Belgium used that behavior to its advantage. All you have to do is get a sticker from a pharmacy, put it over a mole, take a picture and share it on Facebook. Then every year in your Facebook Memories, that sticker will pop up reminding you to check again. The only challenge I see to this initiative is in getting people to grab a sticker from the pharmacy. Otherwise it's a great idea.
Advertising Agency (Name, City, Country): BBDO, Brussels, Belgium
Agency website:
Creative Direction: Klaartje Galle, Sebastien De Valck, Arnaud Pitz
Сreatives: Klaartje Galle, Gertjan De Smet, Frederic Clarysse, Morgane Choppinet, Toon Vanpoucke
Production Company: BBDO Belgium
Production Company creatives: Gertjan De Smet, Frederik Clarysse
Published/Released (Month, Year): April, 2017
Country (Market): Belgium