Eurobest gossip | Best line | Award types | Best party

Dabitch at the Eurobest

Funniest #Eurobest tweet was from always hilarious Finchfactor:

Colin Lamberton from Grey Amsterdam attracted more than 12 people to a 9.30am #Eurobest slot. Thats 450+ people in hangover years.

---------- The Types at Award Shows ----------

  • Wide eyed and exited, big smiles, bigger bag
    - young creatives not yet cynical to the biz, only here for the workshops.
  • Courderoy slacks, tweed jacket, collects everyones bizcard like a kid collects pokemon
    - old school tradepress journalists (Hi, Alan)
  • Good sneakers for walking, jeans, magic bag that can carry everything
    - new school tradepress journalists
  • High heels, gold glitter and skulls, purse full of gadgets, shakes like an addict when the wifi goes down
    - me
  • The guy or gal not dressed up for the award ceremony
    - clearly they just came in from work, which means they'll win everything
  • Guys that match scarves to their t-shirts and ties to their knitted sweaters
    - Stockholm Creatives
  • Bear-like physique, all weather jackets with seventy pockets, hat indoors
    - Hot Directors
  • Snappy dressers with huge leather purses that can turn daywear into eveningwear, a phone into a print center, and serves as a medical cabinet.
    - Agency PR Folk
  • Men with shaven heads
    - Scandinavian Creative Directors
  • Expensive clothes, sarcastic comments, sweating cynisim
    - freelancers
  • Well tailored shirts, never tucked in
    - Producers and London CCOs
  • One head taller than everyone else on the dancefloor
    - Amsterdam music production royalty
  • Men who complain loudly that there's no vodka shots at the after party
    - the losers
  • ---------- Best line at a party ----------

    "Who are you? Are you somebody?"

    ---------- Best Party -------------------

    You'd think we'd say Pindakaas because they rocked that old Jugend building to the core and we'll give ten points for effort and ten more for the building alone, but alas, we had a grand time over at Nothing in the "Amsterdam After Dark" party-tour of agencies, a quiet get together with very nice people and a personal tour of that fantastic cardboard room by Michael Jansen.

    That cardboard smell is still there, making the room cozy in the way childhood memories of building little cardboard castles are cozy. A Russian designer who had been on placement there has added to the walls with his art, and the well chosen coffee-set sums up the "Making something out of Nothing" idea of the agency. The set is a collection of odd pieces that don't match, with a single new screenprinted graphic image on each, making a once odd set a complete set instead.

    Plus, there was puppies. You can't beat puppies.

    Here's our cameraphone-footage of the moment when they gave the painting away.

    Nothing - the painting lottery at Eurobest

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