Etsy - Shiori / Gift it like you mean it (2020) :30 (USA)

Shiori - her name is unusual and people keep getting it wrong. As an "Åsk" who is constantly called "Åsa" in Sweden, and ??!? abroad, I know how she feels, truly.

Shiori flicks through the touristy registration plates she can never have, she gets her name wrong on her drink orders, people pronounce her name wrong despite her telling them what it is, not yet ten seconds ago.


This is where her mother comes with the most perfect gift, which fits really well in with "gift it like you mean it". This tagline works well, I think .

(as an aside and detour in Swedish, I recently mentioned that I've had difficulty getting a name necklace myself on Twitter, and that tweet ended up in the local paper - ha!)

Client: Etsy 

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