EqualPayday does granny remake of "Satisfaction" to drill point home

ABVV Equal Pay Day, the day for equal pay has turned to the time-tested homage to drive their point home. This years ad mimics the world famous Satisfaction video by Benny Benassi. Equal Pay Day carries the message that women must work longer than men, to earn annually as much as men. The wage gap in Belgium is 22% on average (gross, on a monthly basis, including part-time work). Last year was 23.46%.

This years ad carries the message that grandmother must work longer in order to make as much as men do, and have the same pension.

Via Marc van Gurp writing at Molblog.nl - @Molblog

The Benni Benassi video : Satisfaction - Benny Benassi (2002)

If you're not busy drooling over that, might I interest you in a phenomenon dubbed the granny gene? We have the grandmother gene, meaning aside from orcas and pilot whales, we are the only species whose females go through menopause, and live past our baby producing years. This has profoundly affected human development, and might just be the root of the truth in the phrase "behind every man there's a woman". Granny deserves a decent pension.

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