Engagement twitter-marketing: Tweet #thoughtmade - get a candy!

What, pray tell, shall we name this kind of idea? I don't care, as long as I get candy. Thoughmade is a meetup for idea-entrepreneurs, hackers and freaks in Malmö, and over at MINC they have a Candy-machine in the public cafeteria. A candy machine that dispenses M&M's whenever somebody tweets #thoughtmade What's more, I can watch it in real time, every time I tweet #thoughtmade, I can see the M&M's coming out of the machine via their live Bambuser feed showing the machine 24/7. (p.s. don't forget that you can connect your bambuser account to your adland account and show up on adgrunts bambusing page)

The candy-machine is called the Slickstreamer, and as you can see it's a automatic candy machine connected to twitter. The creators Michael Nilsson @sidpiraya and Marcus Olsson @_macke_ have picked it apart and put it back together again, so the machine now runs on a small computer (beagle board) that parses twitter and runs the servo controller that makes sure the candy will be delivered. How geeky is that?

To be able to show this to everyone in the world there is of curse a web cam that stream the video live. For the Thoughtmade event it will give a candy every time someone in the world writes the tag "#thoughtmade" on twitter. They have build one before that is always on at www.giveawaycandy.com where you can see this working also after the ThoughtMade event on Friday this machine triggers on "give @sidpiraya candy". Follow Michael and Marcus future projects at www.slickstreamer.info.

I love it. Now #thoughtmade me. (watches machine) ooooh, a yellow M&M. My favorite.

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