EA Sports – NCAA Football 12 "Gator" (2011) :20 (USA)

See also True friend and TexasR

Titles: “Texas”, “True Friend”, “Gator”
Product: NCAA Football 12

Agency: Heat
Creative Director: Warren Cockrel
Copywriter: Kris Kennedy
Art Directors: Jason Rosenberg, Christa Chapman
Agency Producer: Jonathan Matthews

Production Company: O Positive
Director: David Shane
Executive Producer: Marc Grill
Line Producer: Ken Licata
Director of Photography: Marc Laliberte Else
Production Designer: Dan Oulette

Editorial: Arcade Edit
Editor: Stewart Reeves
Executive Producer: Deanne Mehling
Post Producer: Kirsten Thon-Webb
Assistant: Sean Stender (freelancer)

Telecine: Company 3 LA
Executive Producer: Rhubie Jovanov
Colorist: Siggy Ferstl

Online: Airship Post
Artist: Chris Homel
Executive Producer: Deanne Mehling

Audio: Lime Studios
Artist: Sam Casas
Executive Producer: Bruce Horwitz
Audio Producer: Jessica Locke

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