Dumb ad ban of the week - Corona print ad shot down.

This week the Swedish Consumer Ombudsman decided that Corona went one step too far when advertising their piss beer in print. I'd seen these ads near daily in every newspaper and was about to post them just for a fun use of media, where the lime shoots through and shatters the bottle, then "leaves" the designated ad area and flies into a nearby article. Cute.
Well, it ain't legal, says the Consumer Ombusman and banned Corona for breaking § 11 a of the alcohol advertising law which plainly states that "in print ad images you may only depict 1.) The product or ingredients of the product. 2.) One or two of the product's packagings or 3.) brand or comparable known mark."

Lime is not one of the ingredients of Corona, so nyah nyah, your ad is banned. It didn't help at all that Corona defended themselves with "but... but.. everyone uses lime with Corona!" (to add the flavour this beer is lacking I presume).

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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caffeinegoddess's picture

Odd. Curious - is there a headline for the ad or is it all visual?

Dabitch's picture

It's all visual and then the attached government health warning at the bottom, which in this case works quite well with the visual. "Alcohol in connection with work increases risks for accidents"

caffeinegoddess's picture

"Alcohol in connection with work increases risks for accidents", especially if you work in advertising. ;)