Don't Panic London poaches creatives for CD position with "flatmate wanted" style ads

Disguised as couriers infiltrators from Don't Panic in London toured competing agencies and snuck in posters advertising the Creative Director position at Don't Panic, in the style of a “new housemates wanted” poster, complete with a tear-off number.

Disguised as couriers infiltrators from Don't Panic in London toured competing agencies and snuck in posters advertising the Creative Director position at Don't Panic, in the style of a “new housemates wanted” poster, complete with a tear-off number.

Yes, since it's just p the wall "we offered all their creatives to break the ‘glass ceiling’ and join us." Will juniors be ballsy enough to apply? Silly me, of course they will, ballsy and London juniors is sort of a given. Armed with GoPro cameras on their helmets, the spies from Don't Panic managed to make a video of it all as well. Here's a peek of their visits to Saatchi & Saatchi, Lucky Generals, Grey London and Wieden+Kennedy. 

If you think you are their next Creative Director, email to get a more detailed job description and alert them to your interest in the job.

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