Don't jump - revisited

The don't jump buses which Adgrunt commando alerted us to back in 1998 have a predecessor - of course. Such a good idea had to have been done before, right? right?

This isn't the "to our readers in high places.." ad - it's a dark horse entering the game, from Saatchi in Wellington - read more to see their bus roof ad.

The surprise contender - this ad was done by Saatchi and Saatchi Wellington in 1996. It can be found in the coffee table book that even impresses non-adgrunts who might pop by your pad, "Social work - Saatchi and Saatchi's cause-related ideas" which shows samples of classic pro-bono ads worldwide spanning decades.

ISBN-0-953818-0-4 can be bought over at amazon if you're into delivered books.
Social Work: Saatchi and Saatchi's Cause...

Here are the other two - which not only use the same clever media seen only by people from high windows - they also use the same headline. Whoops!

The Guardian (uk) ran this ad, it finalized in the American One Show awards back in 97. It was made by Legas Delanay in London.

The Martin Agency, in Richmond VA did this version, it won the best of show at the Obies and a bronze lion in Cannes 98.

The roof ads media is dead clever - the identical headlines is dead funny. all I got to say. :)

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