Donate your old clothes - get a round of applause.

The shopping mall Vällingby City has teamed up with ad agency Ruth and the salvation army run vintage shop Myrorna asking people to donate their old clothes before buying new ones. All around the mall are colorful donation boxes that give you a round of applause when you toss an item inside it. read more after the jump.

Update You can watch a film of the donation boxes in action here.

The poster campaign depicts people lacking an item of clothing, as below where it states "Falls new shirts are in".

This headline reads: "Autumns new slacks are here"

Anders Granberg, Art Director at Ruth said to Resumé: "Now the fall fashions are in the shops. But instead of just promoting shopping and more shopping, we want to bring more to the table. During these weeks the "Myrorna" donation boxes will be inside the mall and we hope that they will stay even after the campaign."

The team at Ruth:
Johanna Jernbäck: project leader
Mattias Brandt : Strategy
Carina Ceder : Production leader
Anders Granberg : Art Director
Johan Danneman : Johan Fredrikzon Copywriters
Camilla Berg : Graphic Design
Waldemar Hansson : Photography

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