DMC helps reveal Weird Flatmates via Myspace

The 'Weird Flatmate' connected marketing campaign has just been launched for in the UK, Australia's leading property web site, and

Digital Media Communications (DMC) developed the basic concept of the campaign, which is to get everyone to share their weird flatmate experiences via an online blog (created by DMC and Webqem and run by blog editor Dave Watson). The blog also features some interesting results from an Australian and British survey about shared accommodation, and a fun video clip called 'Weirdo' created by cummins&partners. "weird flatmates" in the commercial archive

One of the campaign's seed routes is the consumer-driven network, which is providing targeted features to UK, Australian and New Zealand users - a first for this kind of marketing campaign.

A PR campaign is included in the connected marketing activity, focusing on some of the surprising survey results, such as which celebrity flatmates Britons and Australians want to live with (shurely Bill Gates cannot be that popular??).

You can check out the weird stories, the clip and the survey results at

src=""> "weird flatmates" in the commercial archive

One of the campaign's seed routes is the consumer-driven network, which is providing targeted features to UK, Australian and New Zealand users - a first for this kind of marketing campaign.

A PR campaign is included in the connected marketing activity, focusing on some of the surprising survey results, such as which celebrity flatmates Britons and Australians want to live with (shurely Bill Gates cannot be that popular??).

You can check out the weird stories, the clip and the survey results at

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