Discount Bank - Stranded & Penniless / Dinner / Bus stop - printad (Israel)

Stranded & Penniless

We've all been in a situation at one time or another where we've run out of cash. What if you're a kid and you're stranded without bus/cab fare home?

What if it's your kid who's stranded?

Then you're in a pickle….and will probably have to drop everything to go rescue your him (romantic dinners and all).

But not if you're a Discount Bank customer and have their new "Key2Go" service. A service that enables parents to wire money to their kids anytime, anywhere.



Agency Website

Executive Creative Director: Amit Stoler.

Creative Director: Noga Kara

Art Director: Udi Ovadia

Copywriter: Michal Perry

Executive Account Manager: Raaya Ariel

Photographer: Assaf Masud

Illustrator: Nitzan Ron

Published: December 2013

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