Diet Pepsi - Ray Charles - Uh Huh - You Got The Right One Baby - long (1991) :60 (USA)

The "uh-huh" girls were 90s perfection. The hair, the outfits, the dance moves.

Client: Pepsi

Production Company: Pytka
Director: Joe Pytka
Producer: Bill Hayden
Advertising Agency: BBDO / NY
Agency Producer: Tony Frere
Art Director: Richard Sabean
Copywriters: Al Merrin, Tony Patti
Editorial Company: Red Car / LA
Editor: Rob Watzke
Music Company: Sunday Production Peter Cofield / Al Merrin

Principal talent: Ray Charles, Melaini Paul, Gretchen Palmer, Darlene Dillinger.

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The opening scene of this is so nineties it hurts.