Diesel's Donald

Diesel has launched their latest campaign which you may have spotted in magazines already - now with a warped mascot called Donald who promises happiness.

Do read more to see some great images of Donald, an example of an ad, and the link to Donalds homepage. (updated)

Donald - a warped RonaldMcDonald on Acid perhaps, or just his cousin, looks like a cross between a teletubby and a nightmare you had as a child, but rest assured, he is a nice fellar. We think.

Here Donald reclines in the woods with a refreshing beverage , in a red jumpsuit and matching gloves. All sold seperatly. Batteries not included.

Donald was conceived by the Diesel team at KesselsKramer.
He was photographed by Carl-Johan Paulin and Acne helped design. Who made the mask is still a ?.

More of this character and his happiness is available at:


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