Diesel picks KesselsKramer

It looked like a tight race in the end when only two were left. This morning KK presented for the second time to Diesel and they were pleased. So pleased in fact that KesselsKramer are their new agency as of now according to Resume's latest newsflash. The first campaign produced by KK will be the fall and wintercampaign. Diesels PR lady Elena Bordingnon will not confirm this on the phone at this time. "This was only decided this morning how did Resume get the news so very fast? I cannot confirm yet - but I will not deny it either".

Cave Arnholt Jonason - founded by Joakim Jonason - in London was not picked, despite many rumours that this pitch was a sham in order for Diesel to leave Paradiset legally and still be able to co-operate with the man who made them famous. Diesel have been very keen on ending their relationship with Joakim and their last agency Paradiset well however, making sure no press knows until everyone else involved does. (Ok - so they failed since Resume already knew -- but at least they tried)
Devarrieux Villaret had a leg up with their fashion background and it looked like Diesel might prefer them for a while - but in the end Kesselskramer "humouristic different and sometimes borderline taboo" advertising style won.
Congrats. Save the brand.

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