Diageo Dimple blended scotch - Bridge - (2010) (Greece)

Working via production studio Green Olive Films, Director Stuart Rideout, (repped stateside by Crossroads and in the UK by RSA) just finished a beautiful spot promoting Diageo's Dimple blended scotch whiskey. The :30, out of Leo Burnett Greece, is a seamless blend of bold narrative and striking visual imagery. Bridge features a sequence of urban panoramas populated with confident men surveying the land. "Once giants lived on earth," the voiceover proclaims as the men rule over rapt crowds, imagine modern skyscraper clusters reigning over antiquated cityscapes, or gather in urbane conversation. The imagery perfectly syncs with the ongoing narrative: "I say they still exist, inside some men; men of giant hearts, giant will, giant dreams; perhaps men like you# Reveal your greater self."


Client: Diageo
Spot Title: Bridge
Air Date: January 2010

Agency: Leo Burnett Greece
CD: Panagiotis Pantelatos
Senior CD: Andreas Grigoriadis

Prod Company: Green Olive Films
Director: Stuart Rideout (repped by Crossroads/US - RSA/UK)
EP: Simos Manganis (Green Olive Films Greece)
EP: Scott Horan (RSA UK)

Shoot Location: Budapest, Hungary

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