Diablo IV - Megan Fox Trailer and Death Roasts (2023)

Megan Fox’s Diablo IV contest is fire. On her Instagram she's posted an invitation to be roasted, by her. Or praised, depends on her mood, really.

"I know you’ve been playing #DiabloIV and that means there have been many epic #DiabloDeaths. Let me personally eulogize you fallen heroes. Post your #DiabloIV death clip on Twitter & TikTok with the hashtag #DiabloDeaths, and you could be eulogized by me. See you in Hell!"

Who wouldn't want to get roasted by Megan Fox? Well, I couldn't care less, actually, but other DIABLO 4 fans also love Megan Fox, so here are her DEATH ROAST clips, some of which are actually quite funny. And if you haven't been living under a rock, you may know this is one of her first social media posts since breaking up with whatshisface when she stepped away from social media for a bit. I hear they're back together again, darn. Anyway, The Diablo IV developers want you to post clips of you dying in the game to TikTok and Twitter with the hashtag #DiabloDeaths, and if you are lucky Megan Fox will eulogize you.

Yes, it's a little like the response ads with Isaiah Mustafa for Old Spice, which was a ground-breaking social media use back in the day. A cheap way of engaging more users and getting more attention, just holding Megan Fox on the same set for an extra day so that she can respond to (probably pre-selected) people. It'll get tons of hashtag attention, and give the copywriter an opportunity to flex. My personal favorite: "The trick to having your blood drained is only share a sexy amount. Obviously don't give it all up in one go. Amateur hour over here."

Last week, Diablo IV launched its billboard campaign in New York, which took on an otherwordly feel as smoke from Canada's wildfires actually turned the sky red. This photo of one of the billboards went viral with the caption: "Welcome to hell, New York".

"Welcome to hell, New York"
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