Dear Marilyn, Science world fancies you

The classic pose, the white dress, those thighs. Yes but Science world doesn't fancy you in the way others do...

You Fart 14 Times A Day
Science World - We Can Explain

Ok, can you explain why this would make me want to watch science world (which I assume is a program)?

Science World

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caffeinegoddess's picture

Sheesh. What's their target audience? Doubtful they'r old enough to get the Monroe reference.

LeslieBAP's picture

Because people who like to watch science programs are geeks who rarely/never get laid, have tape on their glasses, and are fascinated by bathroom humor...and old episode of Bevis & Butthead, apparently. ::smirk::

AnonymousCoward's picture

Well, I would watch if they could make science as fun as this.

And I doubt the younglins would miss the reference. It's an enduring image.

Would love to see a campaign if there's one.

TDD's picture

I think the ad debases science.